Merry Christmas


Dear clients, friends and colleagues.

2014 ends in a strange way. It finds its conclusion not only in the contemplative together with family or friends. Unfortunately, this poor year was also plagued by crises like the one in the Ukraine or the unspeakable terror of IS in Syria or Iraq.  And now we also have to endure in Germany, in this “ seemed to be sure democracy“, a mass movement that calls itself PEGIDA. Without any willingness to improve knowledge in this field, thousands of people directs their prejudices against an entire religion and many millions of our fellow citizens. Under the pretext of diffuse fears, these people fight against one of the greatest achievements of our civilization: the right of the persecuted, the refugees to find refuge in our country!
The little girl I photographed for of this newsletter is one of these refugees.
For the new year 2015 I wish that all this madness will end well. That the people of Ukraine and Russia will find peace, the IS is defeated and the whole PEGIDA was a bad dream.
For you, I wish all the best and a nice „work together“ with me 😉
Stefan Nimmesgern
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